Seeking Support

It can be a vicious circle—the presence of anxiety can make it difficult to get help for anxiety. The whole process can seem overwhelming. You may also have a sense of shame about your condition and so be hesitant to seek support.

Luckily, with every passing year our knowledge about anxiety conditions is growing, and there are more resources to provide support. A visit to your family doctor, or a walk-in clinic if you don’t have a doctor, is a good place to start. You may then be referred to in-person or online resources that offer mental health services and support, such as:

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can prescribe medication. They often combine a pharmaceutical approach with talk therapy such as psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural interventions, or other similar techniques. If you have very severe anxiety symptoms, a psychiatrist may recommend hospitalization.

Psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, and social workers: These professionals use a variety of therapeutic techniques to treat mental health problems. Unlike psychiatrists, they are not medical doctors and cannot prescribe medication. They often have different approaches to treatment and different types of training; you may want to ask about their education, their experience, and their approach.

Anxiety treatment centres: There are centres, that may be part of a larger institution like a hospital, that bring together a number of mental health professionals to offer a variety of mental health services. They may offer inpatient and/or outpatient programs.

Helplines: There are many mental health helplines across Canada. They sometimes partner with crisis units so they can provide direct intervention in the case of an emergency. NOTE: If you or someone you’re with is undergoing an active emergency, it’s always best to call 911.

Community-based organizations: These groups may offer support groups, structured anxiety management programs, and referrals to mental health practitioners and services in your area. The Canadian Mental Health Association is an example.

Sometimes, people choose to go outside of conventional medical and clinical health care systems to use alternate medicine and holistic approaches.