Mission, Vision, and Values

Our Mission

To empower those affected by anxiety through accessible holistic program delivery, education, and support, in partnership with the community.

Our Vision

To improve the lives of people in Ontario affected by anxiety.

Our Values

  1. Empowerment: We empower individuals affected by anxiety by providing education, resources, and support to best manage their anxiety, to support loved ones, and to effect positive change in one’s life and in one’s community.

  2. Respect: All humans are of equal value and deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness.

  3. Community, Partnership, and Team Work: We maintain a strong sense of community and share a commitment to common goals, based on open and honest communication. We enthusiastically welcome the contribution of clients, volunteers, contractors, partners, other stakeholders, and all members of our community.

  4. Non-Judgmental Acceptance: Our diversity enriches us all. We support and accept everyone affected by anxiety in a non-judgmental manner.

  5. Compassion and Understanding: We listen, support, and provide services in a compassionate and caring environment. We seek to understand and honour the circumstances and viewpoints of all stakeholders.